I’m a Japanese American artist inspiring intentional introspection.
“I believe a haiku is more than a Japanese short poem… it immerses people into a fleeting moment.”
“Each season, each experience has it’s own particular character that we try to encapsulate with words.”
From self-publishing my haiku anthology, nashi: Illustrative Poetry on Japanese Americans to celebrating community events, I’m on a mission to share stories that cultivate conversations.
nashi: Illustrative Poetry on Japanese Americans
Densho resident artist Lauren Iida’s Memory Net Remembrance Project.
Shigihara Memorial Bench
Growing up, my grandfather was well-known for writing poems for family and community events.
He called them “Satoryu” (a satirical play on his last name and senryu).
Carrying on our family tradition, I write daily haiku on community, creativity, and culture.