community, cultureTomosumi


community, cultureTomosumi

japanese maple

generational trauma

radiating heat

“to supply or brighten your light”

defined by merriam-webster

is our best response

in the wake of a pandemic with

rising xenophobic diction and anti-asian racism…

raise your voice, hate has no place.

This question has been swirling in my mind trying to make sense of generational BIPOC trauma and recent asian hate crimes..

Nearly five years ago, I volunteered as part of the speaker selection committee for @tedxuofw

The theme of the conference at the time was one word: Illuminate.

In our search to curate community leaders, educators, and artists I realized no matter who we spoke with, each and every person had such a passion or a spark of light within them.

Ideas, projects or lifes work that radiated energy and were waiting to be heard.

In the wake of a pandemic with xenophobic diction and anti-asian racism, I hope you find your light to inspire action, peace and unity.

Raise your voice, hate has no place.

inspiring intentional introspection