put on pause

put on pause

spring ceremony

Nikkei honorary degrees

overdue purple sashes


when watching a tv program

freezing time

with the click of a button

is effortless and easy

however if history has taught

us anything,

we must learn

resilience, patience, and gratitude

President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19th, 1942 which forcibly removed over 120,000 Nikkei from their homes, schools, and businesses to live in incarceration camps.

On May 18th, 2008, the University of Washington commemorated 449 Japanese Americans, who were students from 1941 to 1942, at “The Long Journey Home” event.

As a Gosei and third generation University of Washington alumnus, my haiku pays homage to the Japanese Americans, including my late grandfather, who were unable to complete their higher education journeys from 1942.

inspiring intentional introspection