"Staying in this room is what will make you sick!"

"Staying in this room is what will make you sick!"

four wall partition

entering and exiting

the life of a pig


"Staying in this room is what will make you sick!" is one of the memorable quotes from none other than Japanese Animator, Producer/Director Hayao Miyazaki's international masterpiece "Spirited Away".

Reaching the conversation between the film's growing 10-year-old female protagonist, Chihiro and the reluctant to leave his room, Bôh hold a deeper message.

Given the world's current condition, it's completely normal to feel afraid and cautious of our surroundings when venturing outside (wear a mask)..

Yet, without setting a growth and positive mindset even when staying at home, is setting ourselves up to become stuck in our ways.

Today, I encourage everyone whose feeling overwhelmed, tired or lost to take a deep breath and release stress. Today is your day to get out of your (mind) room.

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inspiring intentional introspection